Summary of Commands

See the information below to view a summary of commands available in DairyComp 305:


Configuration module or all customizations of items, commands, pens, events, and so on.


Used to examine the effectiveness of a breeding program. Switches include the following:

\T = By Technician

\O = By Breeding Code

\B = By Number of Times Bred

\I = Interval Analysis

\N = By Cycle Number

\E = 21 Day Heat Trial

\Y = Include Heifers

\V# = Voluntary Waiting Period

\U = Bullpen Preg Rates

\UR = Bullpen by 21 Days

\A = Assume All Breedings

\D or \D# = Select Date Range

\X = Cross Measure 2 Variables


Utility to search for animal IDs, show available ID numbers, or fix corrupted animal records.


Estimate an animal's value within the herd relative to an average fresh heifer. Also calculates the animal's pregnancy value.


Utility used to calculate economic factors. Switches include the following:

\E = Lists of animals with certain events within a certain time frame

\I or \IR (\R with cull rate) = Calf summary table for last 365 days by month

\ID = Table of all events for last 365 days by month

\S = Table of all events for last 365 days by DIM


Graph of data from events. Can be done by calendar date, DIM for animals, or AGE for heifers. Can also graph remarks of the event instead of count of events.


Used to graph body scores, height and weight measurements.


Used to view a list or table of events for different time periods and parameters. Switches include the following:

\2SI = Lists of animals with certain events within a certain time frame

\3 = Calf summary table for last 365 days by month

\5 = Table of all events for last 365 days by month

\6 = Table of all events for last 365 days by DIM

\7 = Table of all events for last 365 days by month of fresh


Used to export data items to CSV or TXT files.


Used to graph one item by itself (histogram) or multiple against each other (scatter graph).


Used to create a listing of animals with certain items and conditions, within a specified sorting order.


Procedure that lets you define, calculate, and report a group of herd management statistics. Typically run at the beginning of the month.


Percent command is used to calculate the number of animals in the first condition that meet the conditions for the second list.


Used to graph test day information by test date or by DIM.


Used to look at or generate reports on the latest sire NAAB production and type proofs.


Used to get averages for certain items or number of animals within certain groups.