Welcome to VAS CowCare — your one-stop shop for managing drugs and treatment protocols!
CowCare is a dedicated veterinary module that requires the dairy owner to grant permissions to approved veterinary staff and partners to input information on treatments, proper dosage levels and intervals, withholding details for both milk and beef, and other factors critical to overall herd health. CowCare guides the actions of dairy staff as they care for animals throughout the day, including treatments and withhold details, which are pulled into DairyComp. It also makes protocols clear and accessible via the VAS Pocket CowCard and DC on Mobile app.

CowCare includes an automated list of drugs approved for use with dairy cows that veterinarians can choose from to populate their reporting and protocol development. It also serves as a central digital warehouse for storing drug label detail and instructions that previously had to be input by hand, or required the drug container to still be on hand.
The module simplifies many of the activities that are required in dairy and beef production today, including:

The veterinarian and dairy leadership are always on the same page because all critical information is stored and managed in one central system. This can cut down significant time spent searching out paperwork, following up on treatments and animal decisions, and just generally ensures that all stakeholders are on the same page.

Veterinarians have a wealth of knowledge and experience that inform the decisions they make every day. Junior farm staff do not. Role-based restrictions can be implemented to ensure that only qualified staff/partners are entering information that can affect treatment and outcomes.

CowCare eliminates any ambiguity/reduces the opportunity for errors surrounding withholding dates after drugs are administered, helping to ensure quality and reduce the risks of ruining larger quantities of produced/stored milk.

Many states require that a Veterinarian-Client-Patient-Relationship (VCPR) exists in order for that veterinarian to administer treatment to animals. CowCare reminds all parties of the elements required to maintain a VCPR and helps ensure that those requirements are met. See CowCare Documents to learn more!

Whether dairy or beef, the integrity of the final product is the contract that producers have with the buying public. Even the slightest lapse in this quality can damage that trust. CowCare establishes an ironclad record of the treatment, and execution of the treatment, should concerns over protocols and actions ever arise. These records help protect producers, and help guarantee the quality of the final product.

Eliminate hours spent uploading antibiotic information and directions — CowCare automatically provides all critical information to all veterinarian-approved antibiotics used today.

Easily create and populate reports required for everything from inventory to compliance. See View Reports to learn more!
See the topics below to get started with CowCare: