Main Display Area
DairyComp runs in a resizable window containing an assortment of pull-down menus, interactive icons, and a command line entry box. The left side of the window contains an Outlook style toolbar (simply called the "Outlook Bar") that supplies quick access to the program's major functions. A status bar with the cowfile information and current date can be found at the bottom of the window.
Review the information below when navigating the DairyComp interface:
- The Home page, which includes a customizable picture background, opens automatically when you start DairyComp.
- The position and size of the main DairyComp window is saved and restored when you close and reopen the program.
- To open a new page in the main viewing area of the window, click an option in the Outlook Bar or one of the tabs at the bottom of the window, right above the status bar.
- In many cases, DairyComp automatically displays the page most relevant to the information created by the last command. When you run a report, for example, the Grid page displays. You can click any of the tabs at any time to change pages.
The most commonly used DairyComp pages are defined below:
Page Name |
Description |
Commands |
Contains a list of commands for data entry, reports, and graphs. Click the Lists, Graphs, Summaries, Event Reports, or Events options in the Outlook Bar to filter the list of commands by their corresponding feature area. |
CowCard |
Displays the herd CowCards. |
Grid |
Displays a generated report in the familiar cell-bordered ("grid") table style. You can click the column headers to sort the report accordingly, drag them to resize the column, or right-click the headers for more options. |
Report |
Displays a generated report in a borderless table. Unlike the table in the Grid page, the Report page cannot be sorted or adjusted. |
Graph |
Displays graphs and plots created with the GRAPH and PLOT commands. |
Activity |
This page displays a log of all previous actions taken in DairyComp since the last log files were saved. This page also displays processing information when you use a command to perform calculations. |