ALTER Overview

Much of the power in DairyComp comes from the ability to configure the program to meet the specific needs of your dairy. The ALTER command allows you to change most of the parameters that affect the way the program performs. ALTER is the key to the flexibility of DC305 because it allows you to configure program performance to suit your individual management needs.

  • Changes made in ALTER affect the current cowfile only.
  • Because there is such a great deal of flexibility, it is easy to make changes that may not be exactly what you had intended. Therefore, it is important to backup your cowfile before using any of the ALTER options. Spending a few seconds backing up now could save hours of frustration later.
  • The SETUP command is another configuration option. You can use it to change program parameters that affect hardware such as printers and program functions that work across all cowfiles.

See the topics below to learn more about your ALTER configuration.

NOTE: This topic is currently under construction. We are in the process of adding more ALTER instructions below, so check back soon!