Enter Vet Exam Results

Once you've generated your vet list and the veterinarian has examined the animals on the list, it's time to start entering the results of the vet exam.

Results are entered into DairyComp using the VENTER command. The VENTER command is actually a command abbreviation that represents a string of instructions—just like the VLIST command discussed previously. A typical VENTER command string would look similar to this:


NOTE: The command abbreviation for your DairyComp setup might be different, but we'll use VENTER for our examples since it's commonly used.

Let's take a closer look at the components of this string. Remember, the ! symbol between commands is used for running commands in batches.

VETENT: This command is the most important part of the string, because it instructs DairyComp to start entering exam results.

SETDAY: Used to set the system date for DairyComp. This command prompts the user to set the system date to "today," though a different date can be selected instead.

VLCON: A custom item that can be used to define additional parameters in a command. In a VENTER type of command string, a group like this would define such things as lactation, vet codes, etc. It's common to use custom items to simplify commands and make running them more efficient. See Group Vet List Items to learn more about embedded commands.

SETVET: Another embedded command, used to "set" important parameters (e.g., hold dates).

Again, remember that the commands used (including grouped/embedded commands) for your DairyComp system may differ from these examples.

Once you run your VENTER string, you'll be able to start entering the actual animal exam results. See the topics below to learn more: